Three simple life principles that may help you in the most unprecedented times when the New World Order is taking over.
It could be a rocketing bomb in life, an AI-denominated job disruption at work, or even boiling temperatures in nature; we are facing the most extraordinary times in human history. Will it get better? I don’t think so. But, I can share my chosen path to clear the way, personally.
1️⃣ . Eliminate the last 10 years of your biological age. ⭕
Humans are living longer than ever. The most likely scenario in your life will be nothing like what your parents had. Do not follow the footsteps of the 20th-century established life-learners. That World Order has changed now! It was a glorious time of growth and abundance. You could have a college degree that would take you to your job, that would bring you to a balanced life with family and your retirement after all. Well, it seems that all of these are disrupted now. Besides, we are about to live a longer life under this disruption. Just erase the last 10 years of age. Start pretending that you will live 10 years longer than the average age and get prepared for this longer life expectancy under the New World Order — I would call it the “degrowth” years. First your wellness and then your finances… (And forget about your retirement pensions.)
2️⃣ . Get ready to set a new life as an independent professional. ⭕⭕
Whatever your value in life and your competencies at work, try to offer them as an independent professional to more than one master. This will be a new habit and a way of life; however, it will pay back in time. Establishing a business and reaching out to people independently has never been easier. You do not have to leave your day job to start independently. You may practise this as creating a side hustle that will resonate with you. Just test yourself…
3️⃣ . Sign a maturity agreement with yourself. ⭕⭕⭕
We are observing the triumph of wandering minds in the emerging awareness markets with bigger, better, faster and conspicuous consumption trends. Look at Dubai, Miami, Beijing, and Istanbul. Or we see the less-affluent needs located in the townships of every Third World city and the low-income neighbourhoods of every First World city across the globe. We are talking about at least 7.5 billion people combined on earth. Well, I would suggest upgrading your mindset to ‘guilt-free’ consumption that will take you to conscious behaviours as a social and responsible being. Be a member of the sharing economy and practise a life where less is more. You will be joining a couple hundred million people who share the same MATURE awareness wherever they are in the world. And, you will feel lonely compared to the mass of 8 billion people.
Then you will feel better in time…